Packbridge for
Press & Public Sector

Why ask Packbridge?
Packbridge is your go-to source for up-to-date knowledge, insights and content on the packaging industry. From sustainability trends, rules & regulations to innovations in circular systems and waste managment -our packaging community got it covered!
We are committed to transparency, knowledge sharing and public engagement. As a trusted voice in the world of packaging, together with our diverse ecosystem of experts from industry, academia and the public sector alike, Packbridge can provide in-depth content on:
- Packaging trends & innovations
- Circular systems & recycling
- Packaging materials & resource efficiency
- Food packaging & food waste management
- Producer responsibility
- Actual vs perceived sustainability
- Etc...
What’s in it for you?
We are always available for interviews, quotes, content and expert commentary regarding everything & anything connected to packaging!
Where’s a good place to start?
Well, if you want to get some examples of the kind of subject areas that are frequently debated among our members and within our packaging community, take a minute to read the following texts to increase your awareness…

Packbridge is your go-to source for up-to-date knowledge, insights and content on the packaging industry.

The best packaging is the one that isn’t needed
But the fact is that packaging is needed.
Every day, everywhere. We all interact with packages and need to handle them in one form or another, all the time. Packaging not only enables the safe and sustainable handling of critical products, such as food and medicine, both in everyday retail and emergency storage. Beyond protecting its contents, packaging also communicates critical information, markets brands and creates opportunities for e-commerce and the global market economy, overall.
A box is a box is a box – or is it?
If only it was that simple! If there’s one thing everyone in the packaging industry agrees on -regardless of the material they work with or the product they package -it’s that packaging is complex.
What seems obvious at first glance is rarely the whole truth. Oversimplifications and lack of knowledge create many myths about packaging in the public space, often linked to environmental and climate aspects. Despite good intentions, these myths sometimes lead to unfavorable behaviors, poor choices, and misguided consumer demands that benefit neither our environment nor the climate.
Perceived vs actual sustainability
Unfortunately, in some cases, even decision-makers are influenced by myths.
This, too, creates unfavorable conditions for both the packaging industry and our planet, e.g. misguided taxes and regulations. These phenomena hinder both the packaging industry and the achievement of local, regional and global planetary goals, such as halving global food waste. Even when packaging producers can offer the market more sustainable packaging solutions, they are sometimes forced to follow consumer demands and political decisions and legislation when profitability and laws are weighed against perceived sustainability (read: myths) instead of actual sustainability.
All the Pieceses Need to Fit Together - Both Inside & Outside the box
Competitive and sustainable packaging – a matter of survival!
This is an issue that deserves and requires attention, knowledge, and dedication – from everyone! To create quality for a better life, we must solve both current and future challenges related to the green transition and legislations, including CSRD, EUDR, PPWR and the Green Claims Directive, as well as achieving national climate and environmental goals and the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Optimized packaging—combined with informed consumer behaviors, evidence-based political decisions, necessary infrastructure and regional & local conditions that are globally competitive—not only enables the green transition. It also facilitates a sustainable and competitive packaging industry, particularly in Skåne, where most of Packbridge members operate. They are active not only within their respective local and global operations but also through Packbridge’s various networks and activities. These factors also contribute to a more resilient packaging industry and greater societal preparedness.
Awareness & knowledge – Both inside and outside the “duck pond”
Packaging stakeholders need to increase their understanding of the entire value chain—not just within their own silo, but also get an understanding of how their own part of the value chain affects other parts of the industry.
Furthermore, awareness and knowledge must increase also beyond the packaging value chain and even beyond the packaging industry. Cross-industry and cross-material exchanges and collaborations not only foster new ideas, innovation and business models. Tehy are also essential for creating the most efficient, sustainable and resilient material flows possible.
Everyone must get on board!
The public sector, politicians, citizens, and decision-makers must also increase their awareness and knowledge of packaging, particularly regarding areas such as consumption, actual sustainability regarding different packaging materials and solutions, food waste and recycling.
Packaging is nothing without its material, and packaging material is both a raw material and a resource. No one would walk around throwing gold and precious stones around them. Neither in nature nor in our oceans. Similarly, it’s time we treat packaging and packaging materials as the resources they truly are in regard to fulfilling safe and sustainable handling, storage, preparedness and resilience of socially critical products such as food and medicine.
Packbridge activates for the future of packaging -Today!
Constantly keeping one ear to the ground, Packbridge’s activities are driven both by our members’ immediate needs and by development areas important for the future—both for the packaging industry and society at large.
Everything we do aims to contribute value to our members, to a more sustainable and competitive packaging industry and at the same time, considering the impact and importance of the industry to our societies, economies, environment & climate. To achieve this, we focus on connecting key players within and beyond the packaging value chain, across materials, industries, and always in line with the triple helix model -industry, academia & public sector.
Constantly focusing on the big picture, we activate experts who add value to the industry in various ways—promoting collaborations while combating myths, unfavorable behaviors, and misguided decisions. Only together we make the much needed transitions happen!