Foodtech Innovation Network
Together we create the food system of the future, today.
About the project
Foodtech Innovation Network is a project in collaboration between Innovation Skåne, Lund University Department of Food Technology, Engineering and Nutrition and Department of Chemical Engineering, Netport Science Park and Packbridge. The project is partially financed by the European Union – European Regional Development Fund, for Skåne and Blekinge and will run between 2020 09 01 – 2023 04 30.
Foodtech Innovation Network represents a community of members aspiring to create a healthy, tasty and sustainable food system. We increase innovation power and unite pioneers in the field of foodtech. We are here to reinforce innovative solutions and accelerate the growth of small and medium sized enterprises (SME:s).
What we do
Standing side by side with entrepreneurs, the food industry, the innovation system and the public sector, the project support SME businesses and companies by providing growth advisory, technical guidance and access to pilot, scale-up and initial production facilities. The project builds a platform to connect innovative foodtech solutions and the global market.
What’s in it for Startups and SME’s?
By taking part in this project you can:
- Apply for access to testbeds in Skåne and Blekinge to develop your innovations with technically knowledgeable support.
- Get access to equipment, infrastructure, machinery to develop your processes, prototyping, batches, packaging and more.
- Take part in knowledge-building activities.
- Apply for financial support for implementing the above (further conditions apply).
What’s in it for Industrial companies?
By taking part in this project you can:
- Get access to a network of startups and SME’s with innovative products, concepts and idéas.
- Find collaboration partners.
- Take an active part in driving the development of a strong food tech system in Skåne and Blekinge.
Why food?
Food is a vital part of life and one of our most basic needs. We love to share food but hate to leave footprints on the planet. Therefore, we believe that foodtech is a powerful way to influence sustainability and create a better future. Globally 25% of the greenhouse gas emission and 70% of the freshwater usage are connected to how we produce, distribute and consume food. What we eat also has a great impact on our health and wellbeing, with rising numbers of obesity and overweight as well as malnutrition and underweight , increasing the strain on the health care system. Food is the largest driver of exceeding the planets boundaries, and we want to change that.
Development goals
12. Responsibleconsumtion and production
8.2. Diversify, innovate and upgrade for economic productivity
9.4. Upgrade all industries and infrastructures for sustainability
17.16. Enhance the global partnership for sustainable development

Interested in hearing more and joining the project community? please contact Olof Nyström for more information.

In detail
Innovation Skåne, Lund University Department of Food Technology, Engineering and Nutrition and Department of Chemical Engineering, Netport Science Park and Packbridge -
September 2020 – April 2023 -
European Union – European Regional Development Fund, for Skåne and Blekinge

Funded by